Mr. Stoothoff Recognized by FCPS!
June 2019 Region 2 Recipient

Congratulations to Mr. Stoothoff on being recognized as the June 2019 FCPS Cares Recipient of the Month by the Department of Human Resources. Congratulations, Mr. Stoothoff!
Below is the write up submitted by Ms. Carrie, a colleague of Mr. Stoothoff.
Under our MTSS protocols, we have been supporting a 7th-grade student who has had little success in his academic career, moved schools more than 5 times, has a history of truancy throughout elementary and middle school, and faces mounting financial and social barriers which significantly impact him and his family system. Through our 'Kid Talk' intervention over the past 6 months, his attendance, wellness, engagement in school, behavior, and grades have greatly improved in almost all areas with the exception of math class. Luke, his math teacher, has been working with me (the student's counselor) and our grade-level administrator to support this student, who has been presented with consistent and disruptive behavior concerns in math class throughout the school year. After a powerful conversation, Luke shifted his approach with this student with such success that the student earned his daily goal for work completion in math the following 4 classes in a row. Additionally, the student's grade has increased from an F to a D for the first time this year. Last week the student proudly reported, Ms. Carrie, I did good in math today and Mr. Stoothoff wrote it on my chart! Today, during his math class, Luke walked the student down to the office to see me and the administrator. When we asked what was going on, Luke said that he wanted to share how hard this student was working and how well he was doing in class today. The student beamed from ear to ear, and we got to see him experience success and positivity in math for the first time this year (and possibly in his academic life). For a student who has always hated math, Luke's self-reflection, patience, and growth-mindset have already made a huge impact on this student's trajectory.